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Showing 1–16 of 27 results
SOLD OUT Bull-Horn Shield Bug (Eurypleura bicornis)
£8.99SOLD OUT Clown Face Bug (Eucorysses javanus variabilis)
£7.99SOLD OUT Cockroach (Panesthia angustipennis)
£7.99SOLD OUT Entomology Insect (Euthenestes robustus) True Bug
£7.99SOLD OUT Entomology Insect (Euthenestes robustus) True Bug (Spread)
£13.99SOLD OUT Entomology Insect Specimen Platerodrilus sp 04 (modern trilobite)
£4.99SOLD OUT Entomology Shield Bug (Pygoplatys lancifer)
£17.99SOLD OUT Giant Asian Stick Bug Insect (Tirachoidea westwoodi)
£14.99GIANT Phasmid Orthomeria superba (spread) Stick Insect
£14.99GIANT Phasmid Orthomeria superba Shadow Box Framed
£19.99Giant Soldier Ant (camponotus gigas) (SPREAD)
£6.99Giant Water Bug (Lethocerus indicus)
£8.99Giant Water Bug (Lethocerus indicus) (SPREAD)
£12.99SOLD OUT Huge Centipede 22CM (Scolopendra subspinipes)
£28.99Large Centipede 16CM (Scolopendra morsitan)
£12.99SOLD OUT Large Centipede 16CM (Scolopendrida sp)